From Iceland — City Of Reykjavík Buys Sex Toy Shop, Will Turn It Into Playschool

City Of Reykjavík Buys Sex Toy Shop, Will Turn It Into Playschool

Published November 13, 2020

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

Mayor of Reykjavík Dagur B. Eggertsson announced on Twitter yesterday that city council has approved the purchase of two properties located next door to one another: an architect’s office and one of the city’s most beloved sex toy shops, Adam og Eva.

“City council approved at a meeting this morning to buy a new building,” Dagur wrote in a pair of tweets. “Not so uncommon, but I don’t remember us having bought an assistive technology store before. The Adam og Eva building is now in our hands! In fact, we also bought the building of an architect firm next door.”

The city does not plan to accrue revenue from the sale of sex toys, incidentally. Rather, both buildings will be renovated and turned into a playschool, with an expected capacity of 120 children.

The news was greeted positively in the replies to the tweets, with many expressing relief that the neighbourhood will be getting a much-needed sprucing up. People from other neighbourhoods in Reykjavík took the opportunity to suggest other buildings that the city could buy and convert into something more useful.

Those worried that Reykjavík sex toy needs have now diminished need not fear, as Adam og Eva still sells products online. Which is perhaps for the best, as the physical shop has been the target of robberies, twice in one year in fact.

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